Our mission is to create clean, natural products with sustainably sourced ingredients
Shop our tea blends and accessories! You can be confident that any item purchased from Sage Skye Herbals was crafted with the best-sourced ingredients and with the utmost care.
A peek inside my life and business
I’m Amber Skye, a dedicated self-taught herbalist passionate about sharing the different uses of herbs and plant medicine. I believe in the power of nature to transform and support our well-being.
I have read many books, countless hours of research, and received certifications from some of my favorite herbal courses but I will always be a student of the plants. As an herbalist, there is always more to learn and I think that is one of my favorite parts of my journey!
I believe that having balance is crucial when it comes to health and wellness as too much of a good thing can also have consequences. To strive for perfection is unrealistic in the world we live in. Setting short-term attainable goals while giving yourself grace will be much more rewarding!
Tending to countless health issues over the years (migraines, anxiety, hormone imbalances, ibs) with traditional medicine and feeling like I was being bounced around from doctor to doctor with no real progress I turned to herbal medicine.
What I found is that herbs are used as a preventive and as an aid to healing the root cause vs symptom management. Though there are herbs that can be used for symptom support that is not the only use. With that, I do believe that traditional medicine and holistic medicine can and should co-exist. Finding a balance between the two has helped me tremendously and I want to share what I have learned in hopes it can help you too.
Explore my blog, where I share the act of herbalism, guide you in growing your own herbs, and offer various ways to prepare and use herbal recipes. I will also be sharing my favorite herbal products and resources so you can be confident in your journey.
Sage Skye Herbals shop will be opening this year and I will be offering my favorite blends that I have been using on my journey, crafted with the best ingredients.
Join our welcoming community as we embrace balance and incorporate holistic practices that work for us into our lives. Together, let’s nurture a healthier, harmonious life while using long-time traditions!